How Marxian Indoctrination Sustains The Great Wealth Divide

Carving a Way Back to Fairer Distribution This story was Selected for Best of Tremr! Stop Trying to Make Sense of the World- Just Deal With it As it Really Is Recently Continue Reading →

Are “We the People” Being “Deleted As Spam” in the USA?

Happy New Year Everyone ! Yesterday morning I posted a comment to a story in the Boothbay Register about the minimum wage increase in Maine. It remained online for a least a Continue Reading →

In Times of an Unknown Future, Let Synchronicity Be Your Guide!

As Corona Virus demands change, a transforming culture grant us permission to be who we never thought we would be. I awoke in the morning in an instance that dreaming Continue Reading →

Hello world!

Hello World! This is our new website dedicated to developing support for a KickStarter Project that will eventually put us in a new studio where we can continue to develop Continue Reading →

When Does Cultural Advance Become Cultural Decline?

  Extrapolating into the Future While Walking and Ranting Through America’s Command Economy Politics. nathan-dumlao-unsplash The Battle of the Centuries Far-reaching ideological battles are concealed in, and over shadowed by Continue Reading →