Hello World!

Home of Andersen Design from 1958-2017
This is our new website dedicated to developing support for a KickStarter Project that will eventually put us in a new studio where we can continue to develop new forms, glazes and bodies and to teach others to make our classic line of ceramic slip cast wildlife sculptures and functional design and to carry on this enterprise in the future in the same spirit with which it was created.
Our vision is as complex as our small business in a home has always been. It involves lobbying for legislation and local ordinances which will revitalize cottage industry as a viable economic development resource. Our business has always been a business in a home which contains a research and development center, production, and marketing to both wholesale and retail markets within it. We would like to establish a main center for Andersen Design which will focus on research and development and a network of independently owned slip casting studios who will work with us to produce our line and generate ideas of their own if they are so inclined as well as a walking gallery space.
Our brand will be recapitalized to be a more high profile webvenue which will not only sell our line but also feature the work of a curated group of designer craftsmen in a intimate cyberspace artisan community, reflective of the brick and mortar small scale cottage industry community
So please look around. I have been blogging about my idea and its relationship to a changing world for over a decade. Check out our video which shows a bit of our production process and please sign up for our mailing list , and check if you would like to commit support for our Kickstarter project and if you have an interest in becoming a working team member of our vision. Every vision needs a team to succeed.
Have a wonderful day!
Susan Mackenzie Andersen, designer,artist, blogger, entrepreneur
Hi I’ve just started to collect your birds and have also gotten my gfs mother into specifically collecting andersen design birds, and I just wanted to say your work is awesome , is there a list or a store that we can go to with a list of your stuff for sale, especially with Xmas coming up
Thank you for your appreciation of our work. Right now we do not have a studio and our organizing a KickStarter Project as a funding campaign, The Studio is the stretch goal where we can have a design and research center with a gallery where we can also train people to make the line in their own studio, which is a way we have been wanting to work for a long time as we are getting older and would like to set up this endeavor so that it can benefit others who can carry on the creative process and idea.
We have a few production items left and are also featuring our vintage work at Andersen Design Vintage and Special Editions
Please sign up to support Kick Starter Campaign on launch, and to follow us. The first step is to get enough support to start the campaign. It’s a challenge! When we have a studio we can make our product again as well as train a future generation.