Waiting in Limbo and Chaos as a Creative Writing Process

November 06, 2020 Let in confusion to reveal your message Waiting for the election results to come in feels like being in limbo. I read a facebook post about companies Continue Reading →
Collectible Ceramics Designed and Crafted in America Since 1952
November 06, 2020 Let in confusion to reveal your message Waiting for the election results to come in feels like being in limbo. I read a facebook post about companies Continue Reading →
Extrapolating into the Future While Walking and Ranting Through America’s Command Economy Politics. nathan-dumlao-unsplash The Battle of the Centuries Far-reaching ideological battles are concealed in, and over shadowed by Continue Reading →
Are United States and Chinese Economic Policies Just the Same? Singapore xavier-unsplash Introduction On Medium there is a lot of advice given by the writing community to the writing community. Continue Reading →
Netflix, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons It takes a special effort to watch a subtitled drama, especially one that relies heavily on dialogue, not only as spoken Continue Reading →
samanta-santy-unsplash Rarely do I find myself in a state of seemingly unattached free-form physical depression of the sort that makes one’s energy lethargic and body heavy as I have Continue Reading →
Purchase Baby Penguin online HERE A recent post is about an apprentice grant for which we are seeking an apprentice to be our co-applicant. The grant will be used to train Continue Reading →
A disconnect at the core and failed implementation reflects the partisan divide in contemporary politics katie-moum-unsplash Yesterday, I had my scheduled appointment with the agent listed as a federal contact Continue Reading →
Andersen Design’s classic chickadee is always in demand Thus far, the State of Maine is one of the few national retreats from corona virus. There is no guarantee that we can Continue Reading →
Content-Pixie-unsplash Continue Reading →
Maine’s Pine Tree Zone Tax Exemptions will be up for renewal again, scheduled to end in Dec 2021, A look back at what happened the last time and what can Continue Reading →