An Interesting Notification on My LinkedIn Profile.

I saw a message on my LinkedIn page the other day that said eleven people had searched my profile last week. I clicked on the message. It said all eleven Continue Reading →
Collectible Ceramics Designed and Crafted in America Since 1952
I saw a message on my LinkedIn page the other day that said eleven people had searched my profile last week. I clicked on the message. It said all eleven Continue Reading →
Placing the contemporary in the long view of history Jeremy Beck Unsplash I published Luddites, Guilds, and Societies of Correspondence on Medium where I was criticized for including “Andersen Design” in the Continue Reading →
The Power and the Beauty of the Working Class The Present State of the Of the Working Entrepreneurial Class Once there was a popular phrase for a conceptual ideal. It Continue Reading →
Substack is evolving as the medium where the writer has the freedom to evolve new forms as Medium shows indications of becoming more regulated. Shubham Dhage Unsplash I published a Continue Reading →
Photo by Stephanie Klepacki / Unsplash In the Portland, Maine industrial opportunity zone, a homeless shelter is planned as a residence in a business but businesses in residence Continue Reading →
As one stream flows deeper into an artificial world, an alternate current follows the way of nature. How will this play out in human evolution? Michael Dziedzic / Unsplash I Continue Reading →
Wilhelm Reich said there are two things important in life for well-being, love, and work. Reich talked about biological environmental energy that he called orgone energy, an inner and outward Continue Reading →
I find support for home businesses in unexpected places I have been trying to read the Camoin Report– a development plan for the Boothbay Peninsula in Maine. A local public-private group Continue Reading →
Greed and the real estate boom in Boothbay Maine and an endangered water supply I was recently in an online dialogue in my local community where I encountered a developer Continue Reading →
jelleke-vanooteghem-unsplash Today there is a cloud of topics floating around in my head and I am wondering which is the starting point of this story and so I begin in Continue Reading →