Why Writing Has Become Content Creation

The Many Voices of Humanity Writing comes to shore in a rush of the tide and then subsides to a restful point before returning Photo by Mackenzie Andersen Intro This Continue Reading →
Collectible Ceramics Designed and Crafted in America Since 1952
The Many Voices of Humanity Writing comes to shore in a rush of the tide and then subsides to a restful point before returning Photo by Mackenzie Andersen Intro This Continue Reading →
Does economic development rule the people, or serve the people? Let Freedom Ring! photo by Yves Monrique-unsplash In the 1980’s when Burton A Weisbrod first published The NonProfit Economy, he wrote Continue Reading →
Boothbay Maine confronts its past and future. Photo by Alif Assis on Unsplash I threw the Tarot cards today. The Moon, reversed, is in an outcome position. Sometimes one has to let oneself be Continue Reading →
business-world publicdomainvectors.org Also Published on Medium;s Data Driven Investor. A couple of weeks a go I received a request to review an economic development research paper. One is not supposed to Continue Reading →
Contemplating A Brave New World One of a Kind Prototype of the Emperor Penguin designed by Weston & Brenda Andersen The reality of the world radically changing through an act Continue Reading →
The middle sector is the artist’s focal point in this sculpture from the Bronze Age, raised from below and burdened from above – Public Domain Published on Mediim’s Data Driven Investor as Continue Reading →
Centralization vs Decentralization in the Bronze Age In 2004 anthropologist Edward M. Schortman and Patricia Urban published Modeling the Roles of Craft Production in Ancient Political Economies, a research paper discussing trends Continue Reading →
Down with the Tower to Liberate Diversity ! mitya-ivanov unsplash With the entire world is in a state of transition, I decided to break with my better judgement and to Continue Reading →
Originally created for Medium These vintage prototypes by Weston Neil Andersen, presented in the images throughout this story, tell of a love for the work process which evolved into our company, Andersen Design Introduction Continue Reading →
Vintage Classic Tropical Fish Designed by Weston Newil Andersen In Philip K Dick’s fictionalized biography, Valis, the fish is an ancient symbol of Christianity. Christianity is the philosophy that my Dad, Weston Continue Reading →